Me? Well what is there to say? I'm the Scamp, buckling swash since 1994. (Not the best of nicknames I know, but what can you do?) I live in Wales: land of poetry, rain and sheep. (Come visit! We have landscape and accents and stuff!) I used to frequent the Final Fantasy wiki for a bit, the occaisonal edit here and there, but nothing serious. But beware blog viewers! There be the land of edit counts and dangerous levels of fandom! But that's a rant for another time...
So without further ado, here is the blog schedule:
Piratical Mondays - Yarr! This here's where I plan to share those wonderful little treasures on the internet I just can't wait to share with ya!
The Review Reliquary - Updated every tuesday, this is gonna be the place where I review STUFF. Be they games, books, art etc. I'll do my best to say exactly what I think about it.
Bard Corner - Work getting you down? Or just that mid-week feeling? Not to worry! I'm on hand to provide music spouted from my patented Bard-O-Tron 3000, built specifically with no-one in particular in mind.
Hijack Thursday - Feeling the need to spread the word about something? Maybe you'd like to rant? Rave about an amazing book you got? Or do you want to advertise your latest achievement? Here's where you can tell us all about it. Over the weeks I'll be on the lookout for guest bloggers. If you're interested, further details can be found at the bottom of the post.
Fandom Friday - As a fan of several things myself I'm bound to have something to say about the games, books etc. that I love. Be it kind or critical, nobody knows, we'll find out when we get there!
Saturday Saga - An installment every week, I'll be charting my latest adventure in the cosmos. Everything from alternate realities to wild-west showdowns I'll update you with my latest
Sunday Siesta - Captain's break. Is there anything else to say?
Regarding Hijack Thursday: You can participate in this feature through two methods: I may email you with an offer of a place in the feature, in which case you can feel free to decline or accept (although I'd love you to share your thoughts here!) Or alternatively you can email me at with your proposed post. Full blog feature must be emailed to me by wednesday at the latest so as I have time to proof-read it and upload it to the blog for everyone's reading pleasure. I retain the final decision on whether or not your feature will be posted. (although in all likelihood it probably will be. You're great just for visiting my little blog) For any questions, drop me a line and I'll do my best to answer them. So until next time, this is Scamp, peruser of the tomes, now available in 5-D.
I shall be the first of the hijackers and I can't wait! Mwahahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteLoving that you are blogging, Scamp! Woop!