Saturday, 28 May 2011

Space Journal - Day 2

Good news everyone! I'm alive...I think. I'm writing this anyway. And it seems there is life on the other side of a black hole. I followed the distress signal to a nearby planet and I must say, alternate realities aren't what they're cracked up to be. Everything's the same! Well, apart from everyone having cat-like tails and behaviour, and the fact that Earth was blown up two centuries ago. But where was I? Ah yes, I landed on a planet (which freaked out the natives, they seemed to be approximately average to Earth's development in the early 19th Century.) However, I luckily managed to be accepted into their society via a rather roundabout series of soirees at the estates of much of the landed gentry in the immediate area. But, I feel I must confide in this here diary, about one of the gentlemen I met during one of these seemingly endless bloody balls they keep having, (and all that dancing) for I overheard him making slanderous comments about my lack of a tail before going off to "mark his territory" around the grounds. I was most repulsed. (I fear too that my use of "carry on" style humour did little to ease the tension.) Furthermore, the natives seem to busy themselves fretting over marriage arrangements and minor gossip over how some dreadfully boring woman can't crochet. From these rough field notes I can safely deduce that this land is populated by a bunch of po-faced bastards. I can only hope that I trace this distress signal fast and escape this dour planet. I fear that I too may soon become interested Lady Catherine's polite encounters with Mr. Hartley rather than the fact that I was to be forced into a frock coat and go to laugh at the peasants...

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