This first song, wierdly is probably what I'd consider the song of my childhood. Playing Final Fantasy VII with my mum (A game I couldn't recommend highly enough by the way) when this music came on. One of my enduring favourite boss battle pieces of all time and still I remember Cloud facing off against Rufus Shinra. I could probably put the entire soundtracks from all of these games down but this one in particular has a special place. It's not the greatest in the game but certainly qualifies. (Plus everyone must surely have wanted to have an epic little track playing during some point in their life, or is that just me?)
A fairly recent discovery for me, I really love the sheer joy that runs through the entirety of the track. There's not much else to say really about this other than I love it.
Once again back to Japan. I've been wondering what captured the oddness I sometimes spout (generally as a result of the fact that I don't actually think about half of what I'm about to say) and all I can really think of is this. It's like nothing else in my fairly varied musical tastes and so I thought that this fitted the bill. And as a side note, nothing is quite as bizarre as baking muffins with this on your iPod.
So there you have it, the music that makes me, or thereabouts. If I think about it too much I may change them all again. So for now, as I always sign my posts, this is Scamp, peruser of the tomes, blessed by the
He he he. Yay for Ike! All praise He Of The Cutlery Drawer...