1: I have edited a wiki (but not the Wikipedia)
2: I have created a fan moveset several fan movesets for a Final Fantasy game (Dissidia if you're interested)
3: I seem to have an uncanny knack for spotting actors on TV, naming them and listing their previous roles.
4: I own a box set of a relatively obsure anime.
5: I have entered debates on the relative merits of game characters.
6: I have written (half of) a fanfiction. (again, Dissidia)
7: I have arranged my DVD collection once in order of age rating, secondly in Genre.
8: I have attempted to imitate an anime character's mannerisms.
9: I have had to close a webpage of Amazon down due to one bad review of one of my favourite games, in order to quell an intense anger.
10: I can quote most of the TV series/games that I have seen/played.
11: Furthermore I can provide a synopsis of the plot for each episode of said series'.
12: I have multiple game soundtracks on my iPod.
13: I have compared friends to an RPG setting.
14: I regularly browse DeviantArt for fanart.
15: I can name over 200 pokemon.
16: I have awaited a letter from Hogwarts. (A since discontinued practice upon reaching 12 years old)
17: I have harboured hopes that some fictional characters would be real.
18: I am currently teaching myself another language for no other reason than boredom.
19: I secretly refer to scientists as alchemists in my head.
20: I have considered the most suitable Job Class for my personality. (It's a Bard by the way)
Wow. I didn't expect it to be that long. Turns out I'm worse than I first thought. Anyway, I'd love to hear your own geek achievements down there in that little comment box. This is Scamp, peruser of tomes complete with Bard Tunic, +5 to Perform stat!
He he he. After my ruhuhubbish day this put a smile on my face! Fanks! :P
ReplyDeletePS. I'm 26 and still awaiting a letter for Hogwarts!