Thursday, 26 May 2011

Hijack Thursday - Cause hijacking is harder than it sounds...

[This week's guest post is written by Scattered_Laura of Check out her fabulous blog and follow her. She has no real friends and is, instead, collecting blog-followers! She is ever so slightly mad, which makes her ever so slightly more awesome than she already is!]

Okay. Your very own Squiriferous Scamp has asked me to hijack his blog. I'm not sure his asking nicely and my agreeing equally nicely really constitutes a hijack... maybe I should pretend I have a cutlass. Cutlasses are hijacky, right? Right. I have a cutlass. Watch out. 

*Brandishes cutlass*
*Falls over*
*Stabs self in the eye*
*One trip to the hospital and an eye-patch later...*

Right. I'm back! So... what was I doing? Oh right! I'm hijacking this here blog. With my cutlass. Te he. 

*Eyes cutlass dubiously*

So today I want to talk to you about something ever-so serious and grown up. It is an issue which is close to my heart. An issue which concerns each and every human being on this planet.

Hmm. Before I start blogging, I'm just going to pop and get myself a drink. You get the creative juices flowing. 

*Wanders away to the kitchen*
*Sees various empty bottles*
*Reluctantly reaches for the only bottle which has anything left in it. Rum.*
*Realises there are no mixers in the house. Straight rum it is then...*

Right. Ahem. I've got myself a nice cup of tea now [hic], so I'm feeling all creative and ready to [hic] blog.

*Pours another*

Sho. I like bloggging. And Im the won who [hic] originally got Scamp into the hole bloggin thing. That was a while bak now. 

*And another...*

The thing iss... Cal's blog is better [hic] than mine! He'sh funnier and I just bet he'll end up wiv moor followingers than me. And then, you no what'sh gonna [hic] happen?! I'll tell you! He's gonna forget about me, thas wha! He'sh gonna forget about good ol' me while he'sh a wurld faymuss bloggist with a gajillion followus! [hic]

Iss not bleedin' right! Iss not FAIR!

*Waves cutlass around and starts sipping rum directly from the bottle*
*Slips on a puddle of spilled rum*
*Cuts off leg with an errant swish of the cutlass*
*One trip to the hospital and a peg leg later... still clutching the rum...*

Rite! Thas it! Im no lettin you get the better ov me, Scamp, you scurvy devil! [hic] Im takin' over! Thish blog is mine now! Arrrrrr!

*Hijacks blog*


  1. *Swishish cutlass in your general direction*

    Ye scurvy dog!

  2. Rule #1: NEVER leave the house without ensuring all swash is correctly buckled. AND certainly before swishing a cutlass.

  3. I shall have to learn these rules, think that a tiny cutlass could be made for a rodent raider ?

  4. I believe I have a contact by the name of Reepacheep. He may be able to attend to your cutlass requirements.

  5. Awwwww a mouse with a cutlass! CUTE!
