Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Bard Corner - Shiina Ringo

Well, this week I've been on the hunt for Japanese musicians. Well, not in a hounds and on horseback sort of a way. I've often found that severely limits the creative potential when musicians are terrified for their lives in their burrows whilst I send bloodthirsty dogs on their trail. Anyway, I could've picked anyone from Gackt to Nightmare (who, incidentally are awesome bands, check 'em out) but this week I decided to feature Shiina Ringo. She has an impressive variety of styles on some of her tracks and carry a fun sound around them, so I decided to share my 3 favourites with you:

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy the songs as much as I do, this is Scamp, peruser of tomes now with 5% less sugar.

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