Saturday, 25 June 2011

Important notice

Recently my posting schedule has gone completely out the window so apologies for that. Thanks for the followers I have got, it's been great to see that little counter go up. BUT! I have decided that all this scheduling isn't for me and so I've decided to abandon this blog. It's been fun but it isn't right for me. This isn't the end though! I'll soon be starting afresh with no set scheduling and much more focus on film and game reviews. Till then, adios amigos!

Monday, 13 June 2011

Piratical Monday - TV Tropes

First of all, apologies for the terrible posting last week. Stuff happened. But anyway! This week I'm sharing with you the wonderful world that is the TV Tropes site. I have lost hours in this labyrinth of common themes across literature, TV, Films, games and more. I'm not kidding. So before you strap yourself in, make sure you have your crampons, rope and a nice cuppa with you. This is probably due to the sheer amount of hyperlinks on pages with amusingly titled tropes that you can't not click (yeah, it's requiring of a double negative so strong is the compulsion) anyway, go check it out!

So far I have discovered the tropes applying to me are:
Longing for Fictionland

have fun browsing. Scamp, peruser of tomes, more festive than a bag of radishes.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Space Journal - Day 4

Phew, yet another eventful day. Mostly running. I managed to escape from those nutty gentry. I'd luckily managed to lay out the table for breakfast with the wrong cutlery which bought me some time as they tried to rectify it before the rest of the guests woke. There have also been developments in tracking down that signal, after escaping in my ship I traced the signal to a small town named Plotus Contrivus. It can only assume it is a language similar to Latin back home. It turned out that the signal was in fact on a planet deeper into this solar system. I asked the locals (who peculiarly seemed to specialise in communications and thus were able to find the signal I was looking for. Another stroke of luck.) Who told me of wizards living on the planet from which the signal was coming from. I can only assume it was they who confounded my radar, and so, re-fuelled and refreshed I set off this evening to this new planet and to the truth.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Playlist Friday - guest post

Well folks, the lovely Scattered_Laura allowed me to guest post for her Friday Playlist, go check it out, and her her other blog stuff! Here it is!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Bard Corner - Voltaire

Today I've decided I'd show you one of my favourite artists. Voltaire. (no not the French author) Generally known for his dark humour in his lyrics, I can list several songs that I could share with you today, but I've restrained myself to just the one this week. Enjoy! Scamp, peruser of tomes now with extra puffins.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Space Journal - Day 3

It has been a day of much commotion. A strange man with appalling etiquette has fallen from the sky in a most peculiar craft, and he has the nerve to appear in good company without a tail. It was all I could do to remain conscious, for I fear my constitution took a most dreadful knock from his offensive demeanour. He also made peculiar references to Lady Garrington's magnificent crystal jugs, which I can only begin to describe as masking thoughts of the most base and beastly nature.

He is also a frightful embarrassment to our guests, even refusing to accompany us on our outing to mock the poor. And so we convened in order to decide a correct course of action to undertake in order to avert further embarrassment. Thus we have come to the decision to discreetly do away with him, lest my constitution waver once more. The indelicate task shall be carried out by Papa in the evening so we may be rid of the interloper forthwith.

Bloody hell. I shouldn't have left this diary in such an open place, but I did not realise how stupid the natives are to write in it. I mustn't stay writing, I've got to escape immediately!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Fandom Friday - Quiz no. 1 - Final Fantasy

As anybody who knows me can attest. I am a lover of Final Fantasy, perhaps unhealthily so, but today I decided, why not gauge levels of fandom elsewhere on this here interweb. So, let's have a quiz (sorry there's no prize but what the hell it's a way to pass the time.) So this time around it's a quiz on all things FF. There are 30 questions, split into four categories, easy, medium, hard and ultimate! Give it a whirl, and no cheating! 

Cloud Strife is the protagonist of which Final Fantasy?

Across the series there are many different items, but what item restores Magic Points?

Summons Frequently have elements attributed to them, but which is the odd one out? 
 A) Ixion 
B) Ramuh 
C) Adrammlech 
D) Shiva

Kuja is the main antagonist from which Final Fantasy?

As of 2011, how many entries are in the main series?


What is Balthier’s real name?

In Final Fantasy IX, the city of Cleyra is attacked by which summon?

What is the name of Selphie’s ultimate weapon in Final Fantasy VIII?

Who voiced Rikku in Final Fantasy X?

In Final Fantasy VII all material belong to coloured groups. With regards to this fact, which of the following is the odd one out? 
A) Counter Attack 
B) Final Attack 
C) Pre-emptive 
D) Underwater

Sephiroth was the child of which character in Final Fantasy VII?

In the finale of Final Fantasy Garland states he will eventually forget the cycle in how many years?

In Final Fantasy VI the phantom train is boarded by Shadow, Cyan and who?

What is Lulu’s job class in Final Fantasy X?

In Final Fantasy IV Edge is the Prince of which kingdom?


During the raid on the TV station in Final Fantasy VIII the screen broadcasts 3 phrases. Name one of these phrases.

 Name Rinoa Heartilly’s parents.

From whom is Leviathan first available to be drawn in Final Fantasy VIII?

In Final Fantasy IX how many forms of transport are the party able to directly control?

In Final Fantasy X-2 what is emblazoned on LeBlanc’s chest?

 Which character is attributed the theme “Roses of May”?

What is Zeromus’ signature attack?

 Upon meeting the forest owls in Timber for the first time, what is the correct reply?
 A) The phoenix has landed 
B) The owls are still around 
C) The president is still here.

 Where in Final Fantasy X do you first receive the summoner’s soul?

 The Elder Wyrm is a boss fought in which game?


What technique does Pet Pals vol. 3 teach Angelo?

What are Sephiroth’s final words in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children?

In Final Fantasy XIII what is the name of Yaag Rosch’s saber?

The Excalibur II is Steiner’s ultimate weapon in Final Fantasy IX however, what are the requirements in order to get it?

In Final Fantasy X Rikku has a fear of lightning, but what is the reason she gives for her fear?

Well, I hope you enjoy and, if you get all of the latter 2 categories I'll be mightily impressed! Post your answers at the bottom and I'll give you your results, a basic number score, broken down into categories, or if you want to know which exact questions you got right or wrong I can drop you an email. This is the scamp, peruser of tomes, batteries not included.

SS Blogger - To all personnel...

Attention! Until further notice, Hijack Thursday will be replaced with a special broadcast from Ike, lord of the cutlery. These broadcasts may cover a wide variety of topics due to job role diversification and a severe lack of office stationary in the cutlery department. Thank you for reading and may your sporks facilitate the moving of food from plate to mouth, it bugs Ike to see cutlery unfulfilling of their purposes.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Bard Corner - Shiina Ringo

Well, this week I've been on the hunt for Japanese musicians. Well, not in a hounds and on horseback sort of a way. I've often found that severely limits the creative potential when musicians are terrified for their lives in their burrows whilst I send bloodthirsty dogs on their trail. Anyway, I could've picked anyone from Gackt to Nightmare (who, incidentally are awesome bands, check 'em out) but this week I decided to feature Shiina Ringo. She has an impressive variety of styles on some of her tracks and carry a fun sound around them, so I decided to share my 3 favourites with you:

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy the songs as much as I do, this is Scamp, peruser of tomes now with 5% less sugar.

Review Reliquary - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Ahoy there! Sure this here review is late, but it's here now, Savvy? Anyway, this week is the latest pirates of the Caribbean, in 3D no less. (Which, I'll admit had as much effect as a colouring book does on world art. 3D is secretly a ploy by which cinema staff are allowed the slight amusement of seeing customers in silly glasses, and by now even that amusement must be wearing thin.) As ever, Johnny Depp steals the show as Cap'n Jack Sparrow now on the hunt for the fountain of youth, or at least I think he is, he seemed more to be tagging along with love of his past Angelica.

Anyway, this time's piratey foe is in the form of Blackbeard, legendary pirate, and competent in voodoo too. (What with the East India Trade Company a tad blown up in last time's adventure I imagine he's had time for a few nightclasses in the supernatural to fill in the time.) Unlike Davy Jones, or Barbossa before him, I didn't find Blackbeard to have much presence as a villain, hell he doesn't even do much more than top one of his entirely mutinous crew during the course of the film, as a vague indication of general villainy I suppose. In fact, even the mermaids are more fearsome than he. There ain't much Under the Sea sing-along with these lot, instead they'll feast on your corpse, having dragged you under. (Makes a change from shellfish every bloody day I suppose)

Captain Jack is pretty much all there is to this thoroughly swashbuckling romp. From hijinks in London with a distinctly Dursley George II, to standard Sparrow antics with Blackbeard and co. he is really all we're watching for, and Depp as ever performs marvellously. (Damn how I envy that London school he visited in character...)

Barbossa reappears as a Privateer, sporting a fetching peg leg, alongside Mr. Gibbs and another cameo from Keith Richards as Sparrow's father, however they all seem to have very little to do in the film, despite Barbossa being central to a "prophecy" mentioned about once in the entire film (unless I missed something) concerning Blackbeard. A new addition is Phillip Swift, missionary who I could spend a paragraph pointing out how bland he is, but why do so when he can be summed up as "meh"? There's some vague subplot involving him falling in love with a mermaid (despite the drowning and face eating problems of such a relationship but hey, he can dream) which I didn't pay much attention to.

Verdict? It doesn't really measure up to the first two outings, but this sequel feels less bloated with extraneous minutes, for which it avoids much more potential criticism I feel. The plot is generally quite bland with little more interest than Captain Jack and the odd pirate-eyness from Barbossa, yet strangely I enjoyed it, and, stranger still I wouldn't mind another outing for our favourite pirates. Don't examine it too closely. Just let it wash over you and you can spend a pleasant hour or two of easy entertainment. Brought to you by: Scamp, peruser of tomes, with a side order of swash.